Dancing My ABCs

Dancing through life as a principal…one alphabet letter at a time

Here we go…


When you get an email request from the superintendent that reads, cancel all of your appointments and meetings for the day and come to the district office at 11am….it is going to be a day. This is the message the curriculum department received today and it definitely threw us all for a loop. It turned out that word on the street was the Governor was going to close school for the next few weeks due to the spread of COVID-19. Our superintendent wanted us to be all hands on deck for the next three days should this go into effect. Best case scenario was a week of e-learning, then spring break, then back to school. Worst case scenario was longer but to come up with a plan that could transition into longer if needed. It was a lot to process.

Now it was go time. We determined since we were a Canvas school that this LMS (learning management system) would be our main source of communication. Teachers could utilize Google tools and/or Seesaw but everything had to be housed in Canvas. This would streamline communication for everyone. We knew that we would need to analyze where staff was with Canvas and also create video tutorials to support teachers that could be watched during PLC today. We also had directions that it was only to be reviewing and no introduction of new content was to occur.

For elementary it was determined there would be a choice board. Each grade level at each school would create a choice board where students were encouraged to complete at least one activity per row. PLC time would be a great time for teachers to begin filling out their choice boards and have the opportunity to see what other grade level teachers at other schools were doing too. Secondary would just need to make sure to have items located on Canvas for students to review.

Finally, we decided that we would be available at one of the schools from 1:30pm-4pm for teachers to come and get help and/or ask questions during PLC today.

PHEW! It was then dividing and conquering, typing up emails, creating templates, finding/creating examples, recording tutorials, and checking Canvas pages. I am so proud of how well we worked together to come up with a plan to best support teachers, students, and parents during this time. It also felt good to be recognized as someone who will be vital to helping and assisting our school community.

Tomorrow, we are continuing to reach out to other schools and members of our PLN for advice/resources, checking Canvas pages, coming up with what other video tutorials need to be created, thinking of how to communicate the plan out to families, and checking in with teachers who may need support. We got this!

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