Dancing My ABCs

Dancing through life as a principal…one alphabet letter at a time

Writing Stamina Matters


Readers become better readers by reading and writers become better writers by writing. Just as we build reading stamina with our students we need to be providing opportunities for students to build their writing stamina.  As an instructional coach, I often notice when students are given time to write independently, they want to know what topic, how many sentences, how many pages, and/or they have nothing to write about. They look to teachers to give them that information. This doesn’t mean they can’t rely on people around them to support them nor does this mean there isn’t a time and a place for teachers to support writers. However, we need to start incorporating more meaningful opportunities for them to write every day and to select their topic. This way, they build that stamina to try first, take risks, and practice so they aren’t as reliant upon others. Teachers also have this opportunity to observe, conference, take notes, and make a plan to assist writers in becoming more independent. This can guide future lessons where they can strategically offer students support in a way that still fosters independence. We need to set them up for success because there will come a time and a day where we won’t be right beside them and they need to know at least how to get started/try.

A good place to start is building a community of writers. Start with celebration and take the time to highlight what students are doing well. By creating an environment where they feel supported and encouraged, writer’s can flourish!

What are some of your favorite ways to build a community of writers?

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