Dancing My ABCs

Dancing through life as a principal…one alphabet letter at a time



Just as in teaching, instructional coaching can be a rollercoaster of emotions. One day you feel invincible. The next day you are trying to pick yourself off the floor. One of our biggest jobs I feel is to be that sounding board for teachers to vent, process, and reflect. Voices need to be heard and sometimes it just feels good to have someone listen and allow you to talk. Once all of that is out, you are more capable to reflect, pick up the pieces, and begin moving forward. Then as an instructional we can advocate while maintaining confidentiality.

While my feelings heart loves being able to listen and be someone’s voice who maybe isn’t as confident, I would be lying if I said that didn’t take its toll on me personally at times. Today is one of those days of carrying all of the feelings. While it is my job to listen, advocate, and support, I am allowed to need a moment to have someone listen to me vent, process, and reflect too. <— this statement is hard to admit outloud but I’m here to tell you, it is ok to feel and say that. You are not a failure. No matter your role in education, the rollercoaster is real. It isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Working through difficult times is ok and it is ok to lean on those around you to lift you up.

One thing I am working on is admitting when I need help. As educators, often times admitting you need support and help is associated with failure. While we know that isn’t true, I sometimes think we don’t really embrace that. Growth mindset is hard. Easier to teach, harder to do.

At the end of the day, find your people who can be there to listen. Show yourself grace. Tomorrow is a new day!

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The Girl Who Drank the Moon



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